frogs after flooding

We all have so many things to deal with when these outrageous floods come along, it can be difficult to remember that wildlife can be drastically affected by floods too.  After the 'rain bomb' associated with cyclone Jasper last year, a lot of frogs died.  The ones we had come in had blood poisoning which is understandable considering what was in all those flood waters.  (Remember flood water is a hazard to YOUR health too.)   If you see any frogs out in the open or skinny in the next few months, please use gloves or a plastic bag over your hands to pick it up and place in a container with air holes.  Bring indoors and ring us on (07) 4006-3784.  If the roads are still closed between you and Innisfail, we can tell you what you can do to keep it alive until we can get it shuttled to us.  Australian frogs in recent years have been dying out and we can't let this current flood be yet 'another nail in their coffin'.  Thanks for remembering that wildlife suffers in these events too.

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