Contact Us

Frog Safe has relocated to Innisfail but can still assist you whether you are in Australia.  See our emails in the white box below or ring us on (07) 4006-3784.  Our hours are 8am to 7pm, Qld time.  If you get our machine, please leave a message because it is a two level house and we might not hear the phone where we are.

Oct 2024:  PLEASE NOTE THAT A LOT OF OUR EMAILS ARE VANISHING - both incoming and outgoing.  Forms being sent through the website are also not arriving.   If you have emailed us about an animal or something else needing a fast turnaround and you have not heard back from us within four hours, PLEASE RING THE LANDLINE.

We are located in Innisfail but we still receive cases from anywhere in the northern half of Queensland. We also provide long distance advice for cases all around the country and sometimes overseas.  No matter where in the country you are in, please contact us if you have a sick or injured frog. If you are between Mackay and Cooktown, please ring our landline first. If you are outside that area, please email us first. Please also scroll down to read the disclaimer below.

If you have captive sick frogs, please scroll down past the contact form
to see the information we need to know to assist you with your pet frogs.

Emails are a good way to reach us since you can include photos. We answer emails every day including holidays - although when we are on the road, we only see the emails first thing in the morning and again in the evening. If you have emailed us and have not had a reply in 6 hours, please ring us! Many emails are not being delivered including many of our outgoing emails. Also, the power goes out in this area more than we like so we can't run the computer without power. Our emails are to the right - please do NOT add these to your address book. Our proton account is only for private or confidential material - DO NOT send email about sick/injured frogs or tadpole questions to that account!
Our landline (07) 4006-3784 is our primary phone but, because it is on the nbn, we only have one voice mail service attached to it. We are also not allowed to forward our calls anymore on demand (yeah, thanks telstra) so if we are on the road, you will need to ring our car phone directly. Apparently the nbn goes out a lot so if you ring our landline and there is no voice mail or it doesn't even ring, then the nbn is out. That is a valid reason try the car phone. The car phone is (0428) 114 266 and it is a voice only setup so it does NOT get emails or images. It can receive plain text messages (no photos) and voice calls. BUT ALWAYS TRY THE LANDLINE FIRST and do not, Do Not, DO NOT! send images or emails to the car phone!!!! - thank you!

Get In Touch


(07) 4006 3784

Contact Hours

8:00am - 7:00pm

Postal Address

PO Box 1554, Innisfail  QLD  4860


20 283 137 035



This section will help you get the best possible reply to your query and tells you what information we need to understand the problem. Don't forget to always wear gloves when handling any captive frog that shows signs of illness and always wear gloves for any wild frog or toad, no matter how good it looks.

the DISCLAIMER bit: We are very happy to help you but please be aware that we are very experienced rehabbers - this is not a vet clinic. So we can provide you with our 'educated opinion' and we can make recommendations but ultimately, the government says that you are supposed to find a vet to tell you what to do. We understand completely that many people who contact us are hours away from the nearest vet and that vet might be more experienced with cattle and horses than they will be with frogs. Even in urban areas, there are still not enough vets that are experienced with or will even receive a frog and we dearly wish that was different. This shortage extends to many wildlife rescue groups as well.
We have voluminous knowledge to share about frog health problems and we have helped many people around Australia and overseas recover frogs, but it has been pointed out to us that Qld law says we're not supposed to do that! All we are supposed to do is provide you with our 'opinion' and send you off to a vet - and if there isn't one near you, then the frog suffers and dies. Most people who contact us are grateful we are able to help and don't care if this is a vet clinic or not. We are happy to help these suffering animals to recover - but the Qld govt doesn't recognise our value or accept that the situation for frogs is not like other rescued wildlife. This continues to be a tremendous source of frustration for us because we have the knowledge to help you and we know many of you do not have access to a frog-friendly vet.

Nonetheless, you are welcome to contact us for any sick, injured, or other frog out in the open during the day (even if they look good). You can email us as your first contact (the info we need from you is below) but if you are in FNQ, you should phone us first. If you are contacting us outside of our business hours, please ring first to say that an email is coming so we can go back to the office and start up the computer.

Be sure to tell us your geographic location in your FIRST email and provide a phone number. Please send an email with the series of six photos (described below) and a background on the animal. If this is a captive animal, please include a photo of its enclosure/setup and a photo of its last dropping.
Frogs will often need pain relief - what do you have available? Please also tell us if you use Zoom videoconferencing. We don't have time to spend hours typing up information for each caller so being able to speak to you is the fastest way to convey information whether that is by phone or videoconferencing.
After we respond to your email, please ring us or Zoom us to discuss our "opinion" about the frog you have.

Please provide the following information in your first email so that we can build a forensic picture of what has happened to the animal:

  • your geographic location
  • a background on the animal such as: - how long have you had it? - where did you get it from?
    - how long have you seen the symptoms? - is it eating and where do you get its food from? - what do its droppings look like?
  • have you recently used any chemicals in the house such as Lysol (Glen 20 in Australia), carpet cleaners, plug in room fresheners, insecticide sprays, fragrant candles, etc.?
    - are other frogs/toads in the same enclosure and do they also have symptoms?
  • describe the enclosure, its size, and its contents such as wood, rocks, substrate, size of water container, etc. Does the enclosure have water across the bottom or is the water confined to a bowl?
  • what species are you writing about? (we are in Australia and are not familiar with most species from elsewhere in the world - please give the scientific/latin name if you are overseas)
  • What are your current and recent climate conditions (such as drought, recent floods, cyclones/hurricanes, heat wave, sudden cold spell, etc.)
  • we need a set of six sharp, well lit photos which show the frog/toad sitting on a flat surface such as a table and PLEASE REDUCE THEM TO 1mb each before sending ; each shot needs to be pretty much straight on like traditional mug shots! - left side, right side, view from overhead looking down onto frog, view from bottom (through glass), view from the back end, view of face from front - it would also be helpful to have a close up view of the frog's latest dropping. If there is a particular flaw such as ulcers or an absess or damaged eyes, etc., please do some extra shots of the problem as close as you can get. DON'T FORGET TO REDUCE THE FILE SIZES BEFORE EMAILING and please don't send multiple images of the same side of the frog!  If you cannot reduce the file size, then please send only two images with each email or else your email might bounce. Please be sure to ATTACH the photos - DON'T EMBED them!

Ever since the nbn came on the scene in Australia, internet and phone services have become patchy. If you can't get through to someone, don't assume they have gone out of business or changed their contact details. It is likely they are suffering a temporary outage and that includes us. People report that sometimes their emails to us bounce. If this happens to you, view the source/header of the bounced message and copy the entire header source text into a new email to us and try again. Once we have the source text of the bounced message, our ISP can investigate why these emails aren't getting through. If you have trouble reaching us on the landline, try an email instead. We have had huge problems with our phone in the past.