THE CLOCK IS TICKING. In May 2023, we were forced to relocate again and the only place available to us (because of the rental crisis) was a house in Innisfail. We are grateful to have a roof over our heads - but this is not the right roof. Our work has been compromised by being here. We have been looking for a suitable place for over A YEAR now and can't find anything in our budget because the rental crisis is even worse. Owners take note that we are excellent tenants and we are not commercial so there are no signs out front. There are some environmental factors because we are caring for an extremely sensitive animal. To start, we need to be at least a km from the nearst mobile tower; mains power needed; and we need communications installed (landline, internet). The property should be chemical-free. There are a few other bits but if you have something and want a tenant that looks after your investment, let's have a chat to see if something mutually beneficial can be worked out. Thanks for reading. (07) 4006-3784